Sunday, January 10, 2021

Where have I been?

 Well, hello all!!  I totally missed doing my year in review for 2019.  I have two reasons for why that happened.  

 Reason #1. My computer went wonky and I lost most of my pictures from 2019, especially those of our epic Church History vacation.  Luckily, I believe we were able to recover most of them.  But that was very disheartening and I didn't have it in me to sort through all the pictures again.  I had already gone through them, edited them, cropped them, deleted the ones we didn't need, and put them all into their various folders.  Between nine people with cameras and a three week vacation, we had thousands of pictures.  I just did not have the energy to do it all again.

Reason #2. I was also right in the middle of a home remodel.  Our refrigerator sprung a leak in the back and the water, instead of, you know just going under the fridge and on the floor to make it easier to know something was wrong, decided instead to seep down under the floor and hiding itself for who knows how long.  So, we had to tear up our whole kitchen. That's a story of how we discovered that, and I'll get to it in this blog post.

So, here we are, it's January 2021 and I have two years to cover, but I think it could prove to be interesting to do both 2019 and 2020 together, you know, pre Covid and during Covid and then see the differences between the two years.

And now, without further ado, let's jump right into my annual year in review. We shall start out with January 2019. Covid hasn't even been heard of yet and life was normal at that time.  I either didn't take a lot of pictures in January 2019 or else not all of them got recovered but I'll post the ones I do have and go from there.


I had a few memes saved.

The only other pictures I have are of Sugar Dust.  I'm pretty sure I took more pictures, but they were lost when my computer malfunctioned.  Technology and I have a love/hate relationship.  

I was working on taking all of my recipes and scanning them to put in one big file on the computer. Naturally Sugar Dust had to "help".

Fast forward one year and we are at
We had a lot more going on in January 2020. Covid was a thing, but it hadn't made its way to the US yet.  Life was still "normal"

We took a trip up north to the fun center called, "the Rush." It was a lot of fun.

Adorable cats.

High on Catnip

Also high on Catnip

Meow-meow apparently likes to suck on lime wedges......

Now, this is where the fun begins. If I had done my 2019 yearly review when I was supposed to, you would know what went on at the end of 2019 in our house.  I decided the whole house needed a make-over. I was going to go one room at a time and just fix it up and give it a fresh coat of paint.  All was going well until January 2020 hit.  That is when I discovered that our fridge had been leaking.  We have a water dispenser on our fridge. Well, it sprung a leak in the back of it.  I don't know how long it had been leaking for, but it had to have been going on for a while.  It couldn't be nice have the water run out under the fridge on the top of the floor so we could see it.....NOOOOOOO, it had to go UNDER the floor.  After I had finished the laundry room, I went downstairs to work on the Family Room down there.  It was down there that I noticed water damage on one wall.  Meanwhile, in the kitchen, I started noticing that the kitchen floor right by the fridge started to warp a little and we had a massive fruit fly problem that I couldn't figure out where they were coming from.  No matter how much I cleaned, scoured, and scrubbed, they were everywhere.  So, it all lead me to the kitchen.  I got looking around the pantry, which was right next to the fridge.  I got right down on the floor and pulled up a little of the floor boards......And that's when I figured out where the fruit flies were coming from.  What a mess!!  Water and mold everywhere.  I continued to pull up floor boards and it was just ugly.  I don't know where my pictures went that I took, but let me tell you, it was ugly.  I was scratching my head, trying to figure out were all the water came from and hoping against hope that it wasn't from the bathroom on the other side of kitchen. My ripping up of floor boards lead me to the fridge.  I had to move it in order to pull up the floor boards under it.  Jacen went to fill up a glass of water and that's when I saw the water shoot out of the back of the fridge.  So, tons of pictures and several calls to the insurance company later, we had finally found the source of the problem.  In the end, we had to do a lot more construction than we had initially planned on, but luckily, insurance paid for most of it.  But, it meant a lot more work for me.  So, I'll show you the pictures of the demolition that I do have still.  But, I got a kitchen make-over out of the whole thing.

And lastly, some memes.

Hopefully, if my computer cooperates with me, I'll be back tomorrow for February.