Good morning and welcome again to the next episode of Life before Covid and Life During Covid. I hope you enjoy today's episode. The month of May is brought to you by the letter M. In today's episode we will be looking at the happenings of the Davis family in May 2019 and 2020. So, without further ado, let's jump right into.....
MAY 2019
It was finally warm enough to pull out the good old Glitter Tornado and take some lovely spring bike rides.
This young man here graduated from high school and seminary.
Tiger Lily graduated from the 6th grade. They put on a really cute skit and had a little graduation ceremony. Meow-meow came along with us to the event, then right during the middle of the program, got sick......EVERYWHERE!! All over himself, all over me, all over the floor. It was not pleasant. About two days after he got sick, I got sick. But, despite that, Tiger Lily's program was really cute.
Other random happenings.
Spider Monkey made me this epic lego. It opens and closes. I still have it in my work room. |
I found these really nice Harry Potter wands at D.I. Dumbledore, Voldemort, and Harry Potter. |
Morning head snuggles brought to me by Sugar Dust |
Epic drawing by Spider Monkey. |
That's all I have for May 2019. We will now move onto 2020. Despite Covid being a thing, we had a lot going on in May....
MAY 2020
We will start off with the Guinea Pigs. With Covid hitting and how difficult teaching school was and knowing that the next school year probably wouldn't be any different, Nathan decided to not continue teaching, (the whole reason for getting Guinea Pigs in the first place was to have them as classroom pets.) His patents were picking up enough that he really needed to focus on them full time plus, in the fall, Nathan was planning on going back to school himself. This time to get his PHD. With that, it meant we had our hands full of Guinea pigs and some decisions to make. We found homes for all of the babies, But with everything going on and all of the construction, we just didn't have time to give the adults all the care they needed. So, the decision was made to find homes for all of the Guinea Pigs. With the help of a friend, we were able to find good homes for them all. It was fun while we had them and a great learning experience. And so, here are the last pictures of our Guinea Pigs.
My dad's next door neighbor finally got his divorce finalized and was able to clean out the house and the barn. He had a trampoline that he didn't want and was trying to give away. Several people had said they would take it, but never bothered to take it. So, my dad snatched it up and brought it up to us. The kids were over-the-moon excited to have a trampoline.
Meanwhile, in the wonderful world of construction...
I got the downstairs landing all done, painted and carpeted. It looks really nice.
We got a new stove. |
So pretty!! |
And we got a new fridge. So pretty. |
Random children weirdness
And some memes for your viewing pleasure
And there you have it..... That's all that happened in May 2020..... There's nothing else to see here..... Nothing else happened, took place, or of any interest went on.......Nothing, nothing at all.......
Except for one little thing.........
Maybe two little things......
Oh, fine..........we got a dog.
There you have it.....nothing else to see here. Bye.
Wait, what, no pictures?!?!? And what's the second thing you mentioned?
Sigh.....we also got five little Sugar Gliders.
Okay, that's a wrap for today. Come back tomorrow...........
You aren't gone yet? Oh!! You wanted pictures and the full story.
Alright, I'll quit teasing.
We've got a few people in the house who have anxiety and depression. We started thinking about emotional support animals and which ones could possibly be a good fit. Well, dogs naturally are the top of the list and we have a few kids that have always wanted a dog. Personally, I am NOT a dog person (still not a dog person). I like dogs and will gladly love on dogs I meet when I go places. They are cute and adorable, but I've never wanted the responsibility of owning a dog. However, we prayed about getting a dog. I wasn't overly thrilled with the answer I got. I made a deal with Nathan though. If we got a dog, then I would get Sugar Gliders. I have wanted Sugar Gliders for about three years now, every since I saw them at the Davis County Fair. They are these adorable little nocturnal marsupials that love to cuddle up in your pocket and happily sleep all day. And, in the end, we got a puppy and five little Sugar Gliders. This part of my post is actually quite difficult to write, and I'll tell you why as I go along.
So, you ready to meet Gimli the little Hound Dog puppy? He was the runt of his litter and really small. But very adorable. He loved to be around us and snuggle us. In the short time he was with us, he wormed his little way into all of our hearts. He wasn't with us for very long. We believe he had a blood clot to his brain. One minute he was alive and being a cute energetic little puppy and the next second he was gone. It tore a hole right to all of our hearts. It was a jolt to my little heart to look back at these pictures. But I will share with you the ones we have from the short time he was with us.
So, without any further ado, I give you.......Gimli the Hound Dog!!
And what about those five little Sugar Gliders? This too is a difficult part of the post to make. Four of those adorable little fluff balls were with us only for a few short weeks as well. They have very delicate systems and can get sick easily. They were fine, healthy and happy until I got the new water bottle for them. We aren't sure what happened, but the vet thinks that it was something to do with the water bottle. I thought I had thoroughly washed and cleaned it, but must have missed something. It was just too strange to have all five get sick at the same time and have four not survive. It was the same thing that happened with Gimli.....Alive and happily playing in the evening, woke up in the morning to two of them dead, two on death's door, and one who was very sick but clinging onto life. The other two passed away before we could get them to the vet. It was a complete miracle, but we were able to save the fifth one. He's still with us, healthy, happy and is snuggling me as I type this. He's what they call bra trained. He'll crawl right into my shirt, curl up in my bra and will happily sleep there all day long. I can go about my day and they (Spoiler: I say they because they are a community animal and need to have other Sugar Gliders to bond with, so we did get another one, and they both are currently snuggling me) will stay right with you. They bond with their owners and once bonded with you, they will sleep happily in your pocket (or bra) all day. And if they do wake up, they will stay on you and not jump off. I've taken them with me to the store and a lot of other places. They are so soft and cuddly. It is so much fun to have them just snuggle up to you. And at night when they play, it is hilarious. They jump, hop, run and really do glide. And as with Gimli, these little balls of fluff, wormed their way right into our hearts and it was hard to say goodbye to them after such a short time. Jacen had the hardest time as he had fallen completely head over heels for them. So, again, I will share with you the pictures I do have of them. The one survivor we named, "Baby," so you'll get to see more pictures of him as we move along our year in review. Anyway, I've rambled long enough. I'd like to introduce you to the Sugar Gliders. Everyone should have a Sugar Glider in their life.
Okay, so now I really am done with this blog post. Thanks for joining me on this adventure with me. Come back tomorrow because June 2019 gets really interesting.