Tuesday, January 12, 2021

 Well, hello again! Today we venture into March.  March 2020 is when Covid lockdowns all started.  We began out just thinking we would have a two week quarantine.  Boy was that wishful thinking.  Anyway, let's begin off by talking about March 2019

MARCH 2019

For the past couple of years, in March, we are a part of the Ladies Spa Night. It's a really fun event to raise money for OUR and Nurturing Nations.  Nathan is one of the organizers and the rest of us volunteer wherever we are needed.  This particular year, Jaina was doing the hand wax dipping, I got put on doing Henna. It was my first time doing it and I found that I quite enjoyed it. Everyone else was helping serve snacks and water.

Here are some of the Henna tattoos I did.  They aren't very good, but pretty decent for my first time ever.  I decided that I wanted to spend the year practicing Henna so that in March 2020, I could do the Henna again and have it actually look decent.

My parents brought me back these soft, cute keychains from their trip to Dubai.

My cousin, Elizabeth made this awesome shirt for me. It's now my favorite shirt.

Meow-meow had fun being a hairstylist.


And some memes to brighten your day.

Well, there you go. March 2019 was a normal regular March.  March 2020? Not so much.  March 2020 brought Covid and an earthquake.  I realized that I am really not a fan of earthquakes.  But hey, we made it into fake news.
The funny part about this article is that it wasn't from earthquake damage.  Those bricks were knocked down a few months previously when the car slipped into a snow bank.  We all had a good laugh.

I had spent the whole year practicing and practicing my Henna so I would be prepared for the Ladies Spa Night.  Well, Covid killed that.  It ended up getting canceled.  But here's a sampling for you.

More Guinea Pig babies.

I took some glamour shots of some of the Guinea Pigs.

I finished the storage room downstairs.  Jacen and Henry had to do some silly poses.  I really like how it turned out.  

I started working on the Front Room

My cousin made this awesome unicorn mask for me.

The girls being silly.

This little turkey decided that she needed to help me clean out the Guinea Pig cage.  Let me tell you, those Guinea Pigs sure produce a lot of poop!!

And finally, some memes that perfectly sum up what was going on and how we were feeling about the whole situation.

At least I had a remodel going on so I didn't go too stir crazy from the quarantine.  Come back tomorrow when I delve into April