Monday, January 11, 2021

 Welcome back everyone!!  If my computer will cooperate and quit freezing up on me while I'm trying to edit photos, I might be able to get this blog post done today.  

So, our first stop on our trip down memory lane is


Nathan had play practice.

We got WAY too much snow!!

Nathan's grandma passed away.  We got the family history stuff and tasked with going through it all.  This is what happens when you have Dementia and forget that you already have a copy of something and print it off again and again. It was fun going through it all though.

Adorable kitten-kattens

Meow-meow's Valentine box for school

That's a wrap for February 2019.  Now, lets jump to February 2020.


We hadn't gone into lockdown yet, but it was coming close.  Cases of Covid were starting to appear in the U.S.  But for the time being, life still moved on as normal.  So, let's take a peek at what we were up to...

Construction!! Lots and lots of sheetrock sanding

Finding more water damage and mold.

Once again, if I had been a good girl and done my 2019 blog post when I should have, you would already know that in August of 2019 Nathan started teaching junior high. And you would also know that he decided to get some classroom pets.  He decided on Guinea Pigs. As they are social creatures and need companions, we got five girls.........At least we thought they were all girls (you have to know what you are looking for to differentiate the sexes).  Well, one fine February day, Nathan got to school only to discover that there were two new additions to the group.  We had a mystery male among the group and he had been all four of our females were pregnant. We quickly separated the male from the group and found him a new home.  Then came the fun part of a crash course on Guinea Pig reproduction and figuring out what in the world we were going to do with all the babies that would soon be arriving.  Luckily, our brother-in-law knew someone who is a Guinea Pig lover and expert and she was able to help us out with our "adventure."

These are the first two babies.  They are quite adorable little things.

The next two pictures are of two of our pregnant ladies.

And then here are pictures of the next batch of babies that arrived.

This little one was my favorite. I named her Piggers.


Unfortunately, little Piggers had something wrong with her and she passed away. It made my little heart hurt.

Spider Monkey got a hold of my phone and took some goofy pictures.


And to round things out and finish things off......some memes.

There you have it! Next up is March and that is when the fun really begins with before Covid and during Covid.  See you tomorrow!