Sunday, January 17, 2021

Independence, Missouri

 Hello and welcome back to day 3 of the 2019 Davis Family Summer Vacation/Church History Trip.

Today we are going to travel back in time to.........


According to my journal, the sites we wanted to visit on this day were:

The Community of Christ Temple (we did that)

Independence Visitors Center (we did that)

Temple Lot (we did that)

Mormon Walking Trail (we did part of that)

Mound Grove Cemetery (we didn't do that one)

Wayne City Landing (didn't do that either)

Liberty Jail (we did that)

The kids spent some time exploring our campground while Nathan tried to figure out how to get the AC on the silly trailer to work.  

Bathroom selfies.....

Hanging out in the trailer.

Trying to figure out the electrical system of the trailer

I'm not sure which pictures were from the drive to Liberty Jail and which ones were from the drive back from Liberty Jail, so I'll call this the drive to and from Liberty Jail.  I think it was about a half hour drive both ways.  Which brings us to the 3rd installment of "What to 9 kids on a long car ride do?"   Well, for starters, they take A LOT of selfies.  I find these selfies of Lion Heart to be quite entertaining.  The comedic faces of his siblings are priceless......especially Jacen.

Then Spider Monkey joined in on the fray. 

Tiger Lily had fun with filters.

Random pictures of siblings, back of mom and dad, and scenery out of the window.  I find it quite interesting and funny the things they took pictures of out of the windows.

And more flooding from the mighty Missouri River.

Liberty Jail was really interesting to see.  It really brought church history to life.
Our reflections crack me up.

This is the door to the jail. The building was so thick!!

I love Jaina's face in this one.

The sister missionary who talked to us about Liberty Jail

After getting back from Liberty Jail, we had a quick lunch and then made our way over to the Independence Visitors Center.  I don't have many pictures, most of the one's I took are part of the ones that got lost in what I am now going to call, "the great computer glitch."

From the visitor's center, we made our way directly across the street to visit the Community of Christ temple, aka, Ice Cream building.  It's supposed to resemble a sea shell.  

Walking up to the entrance.

When you first walked in, you were in a big foyer with flags from all of the countries that they have members in.  For those of you who don't know who the Community of Christ people are, they are what we know as the re-organized church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  I guess a few years back, they changed their name to the Community of Christ.  They have a video program that they show you before you take the tour of their temple.  It was quite interesting to watch.  Their beginnings are the exact same as ours.  They talk about Joseph Smith, but they quickly gloss over his first vision.  To me, it seemed as if they tried to make it sound like it was a dream or a feeling and not an actual visit from Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  It was really strange to watch.  

Their version of the Tree of Life.

From the foyer, they let you go into the main chambers of their temple.  As the building is built in the shape of and to resemble a sea shell, as you entered the doors to go to the main area, you walked up a twisting ramp.  It was meant to feel like what it would be like to walk into the center of a sea shell.  They had a bunch of  art work displayed for you to stop, look at, and ponder about as you made your way to the "center" of the sea shell.....

The main chamber? area? meeting place? chapel? Holy of Holies? place? was quite interesting.  The ceiling was the inside of the big "ice cream" part of the building.  They had an organ and some interesting stained glass windows.

The other interesting thing that this building had was a small chamber off the main foyer.  It had glass windows all around it, looking out into a Zen garden.  There were pictures all along the walls, depicting their "sacraments," what we would call ordinances.  

Up on the top of the building, they had this maze you could go through as well as some lovely views.

After our tour of the Community of Christ temple, we went back to our campsite for a break and dinner.  That evening, we set out on the Mormon Walking Trail through the city of Independence.  We didn't do the whole walk because we were all tired and a lot of walking doesn't agree with me very well.  The main thing we wanted to visit was the site where the temple lot.

Journal entries for Tuesday, June 4th:

Interesting things I have learned: The difference I felt between the visitors center and the Community of Christ temple.
Thoughts and impressions I have had: We need to focus on the spirit and let it guide out journey.
What was my favorite part? Why? The visitor's center and the Church of Christ temple.  Because the feelings were so different. 
How has this helped my testimony grow? By learning more how to recognize the spirit.

Funny Journal:
Today's date is: 4 June 2019
Today we visited: Liberty Jail and Independence
Today's weather: Cloudy and sunny 
Today I feel: Apparently I felt happy and meh
What I saw today: Liberty Jail.  Independence Visitor Center.  Community of Christ temple.
My favorite part of the day: When we got the power to the trailer working. (air conditioning is very important!!)
I liked: Learning about Liberty Jail
I did not like: The humidity
It was funny when: I ran into a sister missionary from Tooele. (it's a small world after all, Tooele has grown so much that I didn't know her family, but it was still fun to run into someone who, A. knows where Tooele is and B. Knows how to pronounce it!)

Well, that's it for 2019.  Are you excited to see what was happening on June 4th, 2020?

4 JUNE 2020

*Crickets from the peanut gallery*

And there you have it. 2020 in a nutshell.  Thanks for joining us today and we'll see you tomorrow.....

I see you are still here.
I have to apologize, I don't have any pictures for June 4th, 2020.  I guess I didn't take any that day.  But I can tell you that the kids were busy either jumping on the trampoline or playing with friends. Nathan was working, or trying to work, or trying to find work.....Covid killed a lot of job options, stupid Covid!! I was busy working on the house......mudding, sanding, painting, flooring, etc.  

And that's a wrap!!  Come back again tomorrow where we will tackle yet another long car ride to Nauvoo, Illinois......