With the end of August comes the inevitable downward spiral to winter. It's a last ditch effort to soak in the sunshine before it too fades away. But the mountains mock with their changing and falling leaves as I hang on desperately to all the warm days that come my way. The kids are all getting back into the swing of school and I've resigned myself to having to get up early in the morning......Sigh!! As a family, we enjoyed all the last throws of summer that we could.
Meow-meow "helping" in the kitchen. |
Raising my son up in all the ways of bacony goodness. He's a bacon fiend. |
Meow-meow loves snuggling his biggest brother. |
He thinks it's funny to wear my cpap mask. |
Helping haul in groceries. |
We made one last family vacation up to Bear Lake for some boating fun.
Sunset over the lake |
Getting ready to hit the lake. |
Life vests are a must. |
Aye-aye captain. |
Trying our darndest to dump them from the raft. |
She's having the time of her life. |
These sunglasses are just plain awesomesauce. |
Playing on the raft. |
My mom, for as long as I can remember has season tickets to all the BYU football games. Since my birthday is in September, I always get the home game that is closest to my birthday. While everyone else was getting one last run on the boat at Bear Lake, I was making a bee-line for Provo for my birthday game.
Getting ready for game day!! |
Late night football fun! |
WE WON!! Two very happy campers!! |
Costa Vida for my birthday!! |
Meow-meow went shopping with mommy and Martina. |
This young man turned 15. |
The day after his birthday, he was given a clean bill of health and gets to do BLT now! (Bending, Lifting, Twisting). He's one happy camper. |
Helping daddy and grandpa do construction. |
Getting to meet his new cousin and future partner in crime. |
My laundry helper. |
Chilling out right where mom is trying to sort laundry. |
My friend Martina and I decided to go to Comic-Con.
I had the "brilliant" idea to streak my hair pink. It's never a good thing when Martina and I are left to our own devices. |
Because this is what happens. |
It turned out awesome though!! |
Watch out Comic-Con, here we come! |
Yeah, we met one of the Dwarfs from The Hobbit. He got a good chuckle out of our shirts. |
So, as we were walking around, we ran across Thor. Well, Thor read my shirt and I still can't figure out why I said it, but I told him "You can't touch me peasant". He, naturally was on about how he is Thor of Asgard and I just said, "but I have a Tiara". The next thing I know, this happened. You can't see it, but my face was a bright red. |
Sooooooo, we have a TON of Legos, and those Legos have been spread from here to forever around the house. Lion Heart's Legos have been mixed with Spaceman Spiff's Legos; Spider Monkey's Lego's have been mixed with Lion Heart's Legos; the girls have all mixed their Legos in with everyone's; and Nathan's Legos have been just mixed everywhere. Since Firebolt and I are doing Personal Progress together, I needed a 10 hour project and Lego sorting fit the bill. I gathered up all of the Legos from around the house and bedrooms, broke them all down, and........yeah!! I would go down and sort when Meow-meow would go down for his naps. (And this isn't all of the Legos's, these were just the ones in Nathan's collection).