Monday, January 4, 2016

March 2015

Family fun for March entailed:

If I fits, I sits.



Partners in crime

Snuggly ball of fluff.

Sleepy ball of fluff.

Awesome Sister-in-law gave me all of these cow figurines.

Silliness with the Banana grams game.

He loves balloons.  He took a nap holding on strong to his balloon.

Nothing better than Meow-meow snuggles

Firebolt orchestra concert.

After the concert.

Playing in grandma's trees.

Silly kitty.
 We decided to tear out the carpet in the front room.

We had lots of help

They had to play on the couch 

They love hanging out in the shower.

Listening to Lindsey Stirling.

Bear Scouts roofing a dog house.
 March came in like a lion and went out like a lamb.  After the sudden and epic text from my ex, we jumped on the ball to get the paperwork drawn up quickly.  We gave all of the specifics to our lawyer and he drew up the paperwork.

I believe in miracles.  It's pretty much unheard of to have an adoption move as quickly as ours did, especially when it involves a relinquishment of parental rights.  From that first phone call in December offering to adopt until this point, we had all of the paperwork done and turned in.  From the time of the epic text to it getting signed was about two days.

Nathan arranged to meet my ex at the bank to sign the papers in front of the notary.  We were nervous that it would be another no show, like he had done back in January.  However, he showed up at the bank, albeit a few minutes late.  He signed the papers relinquishing his parental rights and giving Nathan permission to adopt.  Nathan took the $5000.00 out of the bank, they both signed the papers stating the money had been paid, and he left.

We got the papers back to our lawyer and he called the judge over the case.  We were hoping that since we already were scheduled for March 9th  we could go forward with the adoption.  The judge looked over everything, found it all to be in order, and decided that there was no reason to delay....we already had that time scheduled anyway.

And so, at about 3:20 pm on March 9th, Nathan irrevocably and officially adopted my three children.

With the Judge in his chambers just after the papers were officially signed.

Outside the courthouse right after the adoption!!  We are all Davis's now!!

 Things have been peaceful!