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To the last, I will grapple with thee... from Hell's heart, I stab at thee! For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee! |
If I had one of these, I would use it to delete January completely. Do you remember back when I started this year in review and I started with July? Do you remember what I said about July? I said, "There is not a single thing about July that I don't like". Well, the EXACT opposite is true where January is concerned. There is not a single thing about January that I do like. I can't stand the cold. I hate the inversion. I greatly dislike how everything is dead. There's no color. The snow even begins to look gross. I'm so tired of the darkness. I hate how the sun doesn't rise until almost 8 am and how it sets at 5 pm. And a big part of why I dislike January is because it's such a let down after the magic of the whole holiday season. January is frustrating as it seems to drag on FOREVER!!
I do have a disclaimer about January though. I would rather have lots of snow on the ground in January than have no snow at all. At least with the snow on the ground, it covers up the dead, ugly, icky, brown grass. And when the sun hits the snow just right, it does sparkle and one can NEVER go wrong with sparkles. After a fresh snowfall, when the snow is still on the branches of the trees, it's kind of pretty. I find that I have a much harder time with January when there is no snow which is saying something because I dislike snow. But as you can see, I hate the dead, ugly grossness of winter more than I dislike snow.
There are two holidays in January, New Years Day and Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
New Years Day ranks in at #18. I don't care much for this holiday. Sure, there's the fun of watching all of the bowl games, but even that means that college ball is over. And I'm not a huge follower of pro ball. I always take down my Christmas decorations on the 1st. I could leave them up until the 5th like most people do, but come New Years Day I just want Christmas down and put away.
Then there is Martin Luther King Jr. Day which ranks in at #17. The kids get this day off of school, so it does have that going for it. I do like that we celebrate the human rights movement. I believe a person should not be judged by the color of their skin but by their actions. Matthew 7:20 states, "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them".
There are two holidays in January, New Years Day and Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
New Years Day ranks in at #18. I don't care much for this holiday. Sure, there's the fun of watching all of the bowl games, but even that means that college ball is over. And I'm not a huge follower of pro ball. I always take down my Christmas decorations on the 1st. I could leave them up until the 5th like most people do, but come New Years Day I just want Christmas down and put away.
Then there is Martin Luther King Jr. Day which ranks in at #17. The kids get this day off of school, so it does have that going for it. I do like that we celebrate the human rights movement. I believe a person should not be judged by the color of their skin but by their actions. Matthew 7:20 states, "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them".
Enough of my ranting about January. What happened for our family in January 2013?
Tons and tons of snow and some cool ice formations.
The kids having fun in the snow.
The snow was so deep that I quickly had the kids run out to the sidewalk to snap a quick picture of them next to the snow. I wanted to show just how deep the snow was compared to the kids. And yes, some of the kids were crazy to go out in shorts for the picture. But as they were only out long enough to snap a quick picture, none of them wanted to take the time and effort to put on their snow clothes. Because let's face it friends, it takes so long to bundle up for snow play that by the time you get out into it, the time it took to get ready isn't worth it. Besides the fact that they had spent all morning out bundled up playing in it. And as you can see, the snow is REALLY deep.
We found out that we would be having a little boy. I couldn't find the ultrasound pictures from January, I know I have them somewhere. But this one will have to do. We were so very excited to find out that we would be having a little boy.
Tons and tons of snow and some cool ice formations.
The kids having fun in the snow.
The snow was so deep that I quickly had the kids run out to the sidewalk to snap a quick picture of them next to the snow. I wanted to show just how deep the snow was compared to the kids. And yes, some of the kids were crazy to go out in shorts for the picture. But as they were only out long enough to snap a quick picture, none of them wanted to take the time and effort to put on their snow clothes. Because let's face it friends, it takes so long to bundle up for snow play that by the time you get out into it, the time it took to get ready isn't worth it. Besides the fact that they had spent all morning out bundled up playing in it. And as you can see, the snow is REALLY deep.
We found out that we would be having a little boy. I couldn't find the ultrasound pictures from January, I know I have them somewhere. But this one will have to do. We were so very excited to find out that we would be having a little boy.
There you have it my friends, 2013 a year in review. I had a lot of fun doing this and plan on doing it again next year. I am excited for the fun and adventures that 2014 will bring. I've never been one for making New Years Resolutions, however, after going through the pictures from this year I have realized that I need to get better at it. So my one and only resolution for 2014 is to take more pictures.