I like February for one reason and one reason only.....it's a short month!!
February has three holidays, Groundhog Day, Valentine's Day, and President's Day.
Groundhog Day ranks in at #6 in my list of holiday favorites. The reason why I like Groundhog day is because it's a fun holiday that celebrates the hope of spring. By the time February rolls around, it seems that people are so sick of winter that they are desperate for any kind of hope of spring. So we put all of that hope into whether or not a Groundhog see's his shadow or not. I know it's a silly notion and a silly holiday but I like it. I loved the movie Groundhog Day. To me January is like one big Groundhog Day Movie over and over for a whole month. So, February gives me the hope that it will be ending soon.
Then we celebrate Valentines Day which ranks in at #12 on my holiday list. I like Valentines for the pretty colors that bring a splash to the month, and I love the chocolates. I'm not a big fan of fancy jewelry, or cut flowers. I don't mind getting chocolates. I do love the handmade gifts that my children make.
After that comes President's Day. President's Day comes in at #16 on my holiday list. This day has long been celebrated in honor of Washington and Lincon's birthday's. These two men were great men who did so much to shape our country. The kids get the day off from school, so it has that going for it. I'll celebrate a day to sleep in.
What happened for my family in February 2013? Apparently not much according to my pictures file.
Firecracker had a dance recital practice in preparation for her upcoming dance recital.
Lots and lots of snow. If you recall for the month of March I posted a picture of the skylight with sun shining through it and said that later I would post a picture of said skylight all covered in snow. Well, here it is.
Spider Monkey lost his first upper front tooth.
And Popcorn enjoyed napping in a box.