Saturday, January 5, 2019

Adventures in February.

February 2018 was a FABULOUS month.....but before I get to that part, here's day-to-day family life pictures.

Yoda got an owie. 

This is what happens when Firebolt and I clean her room

Super Russian hat girl

It's what goofy people do.

Extreme close up of Meow-meow

By the way, I'm not sure if you are all aware or not, but I FREAKING HATE WINTER!!!

But......this particular winter I didn't have to suffer through that much of it.  You see, back at Christmas, my awesome hubby surprised me with a trip to Dubai with my parents to see my little brother.  It was the most amazing present EVER!!  I've already detailed out my trip in earlier blog posts, but I would be amiss If I didn't add some here.  Choosing a favorite picture would be like choosing a favorite child, or book, or movie....there are just too many.  

Extremely early in the morning at the Salt Lake Airport.  Way too excited to be tired.

San Fran airport.  I get to be in the First Class line.  Thank you Aaron, you are THE BEST!!

Sitting in my own private First Class cabin

First Class amenities

Hanging with the parents in First Class.

First Class Bathroom and it even had a shower!!

First Class food.  It was way yummy.

Well hello Dubai.

Goodbye First Class, I will miss you......until the return trip home.

Everything is HUGE over there...and fancy too.

The nephews

Mango puppy.  He was my buddy the whole time.

Going into the forbidden pork section.

Finding seashells at the beach.

One cannot go to the beach and not get buried in the sand.

The Grand Mosque.

Water show at the Burj Khalifa

Me and the nephews at the Burj Khalifa

Making sand angels at the sand dunes.

That's a hissing cockroach I'm holding.

The ski slopes in the mall.....weird.

You are not talking me into going in there!!

Yummy food.

Camels on the side of the road.

oh yeah!! That's my kind of weather.

Full size replica of the 777 made out of flowers.

The fam.

Sitting in the Dubai airport waiting to go home.

Hanging out in the First Class lounge.
And last but not least, the cats.  We cannot forget the fur babies.

One of her favorite places to sit.
 Little did I know that this would be the last pictures I ever took of Mighty Mouse.  He was hit by a car while I was in Dubai.
Helping us clean Firebolt's room

She also had to join in on the cleaning fun.  They weren't very helpful.

Snoozing in my crafts.
And that's all she wrote for February.