Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Sweet music to my ears.

Music of the heart tames all creatures.
As I was being thankful for the beautiful colors of the world, I had another theme running through them that was a deliberate set up to what I am thankful for today.  I am thankful for music.  As Abba put it, I say thank you for the music, for giving it to me.

Thank you for the music

I can't sing to save my life.  I jokingly tell people that I only sing at funerals, that way they know there are things worse than death.  Where I can't sing or play any kind of instrument, I can play a pretty mean radio.  I love listening to music.  I don't get how people can drive without music on.  I have to have music when I clean.  Music moves the soul.

I listen to Pandora and my station is eclectic to say the least.  I can go from Piano Guys to AC/DC, then the 80's and into musicals.  I saw a meme that described it perfectly but now I can't find it.  It will be just my luck to find it as soon as I've posted this.