Monday, April 29, 2013

What was your most embarrassing moment?

I've had plenty of embarrassing moments in my life.  I remember some and some I'm sure I've blocked out.  The one I'm thinking about happened when I was in high school.  I was at a church activity, for the activity several of us were chosen to write down our most embarrassing moments.  Then we went up on stage, the embarrassing moment was read off and the audience had to guess who's embarrassing moment it was.  Well I wrote down a moment from my child hood.

When I was about two years old, we lived in Colorado.  We also lived in a cul-de-sac and we had one of those small gutters that ran along side of the sidewalk.  I had this awesome friend that I played with every day.  One day we went out and played in the gutter and were caught.  Both of our parents told us that we were not allowed to play in the water with our clothes on.  A few days later, a neighbor saw my friend and I out in the gutter just in our diapers playing in the water.  We had set our clothes over on the grass where they wouldn't get wet.  We had been told that we couldn't play in the water with our clothes on.  We thought we were being very obedient by taking them off.  And our parents really couldn't argue with our two-year-old logic and we had things explained further to us.

Well, I chose this story to be my most embarrassing story to share.  However it didn't end up being my most embarrassing moment.  I neglected to add the ages my friend and I were at.  So it left the interpretation of our age wide open.  And when I realized that up on stage in front of this group of my peers and not only that, people that I go to church with, I wanted to curl up in a bawl and die.  Everyone thought it was hilarious and the best embarrassing moment.  Meanwhile I'm now trying to explain that this happened to me when I was two.

I have another embarrassing moment I could share and luckily I can laugh over it now.  My ex-husband has a previous ex-wife and they had a daughter together.  When it came time for the daughter to be baptized I was pregnant with our third child.  We made the trip up to Washington to attend the baptism.  Now I am really good friends with the first ex wife.  She is a fantastic woman, great person, and a dear friend, however, at that point in time, things were a bit on the awkward side.  I had been asked to give either the opening or closing prayer at the baptism service (I don't remember which one off the top of my head now).  I gave the prayer and was heading back to my seat when someone kindly lady told me that the entire back of my skirt had a huge rip down the seam showing off my lovely hind end.  Luckily I had a slip on at the time.  But oh, I just wanted to die of embarrassment.  Of all places to have something like that happen.  But all is well that ends well.  Mandi and I get along great now and we can both sit and laugh about the whole incident.  And I am very blessed to have Mandi as my friend.