So as you can see here, there's just something wrong with my spine. I have severe scoliosis. These massive curve(s) to my spine have led to many surgeries. Being pregnant, that leaves me in a precarious spot.....what's the birth plan?? I had my two oldest children pre-surgeries and was able to have an epidural. Now I know there are women out there who fully believe in a natural child birth, but I'm not one of them. If I can have some pain control, I'm going to want it. With my youngest child, there was a slight problem with having an epidural, I'd already had some surgeries and the metal rods were in place. I was left with no choice but to deliver him naturally. Ladies and gentlemen, not a thing I ever want to do again if I can help it. So, when we found out I was pregnant with Indy I immediately started thinking ahead to the birth.
Now I'm a through and through, "bleed blue" BYU Cougar fan. I root for Cougar football and the whole bit. But when it comes down to my health care, there is NO better place than the U of U. They are the specialists and know what they are doing. Since they were the ones who did all of my surgeries it made perfect sense to go there for mine and the babies health care.
I've been blessed by going to the U, since they are the specialists, they have been able to follow Indy's development closely and make sure he's doing good. And as of today I can report that Indy is healthy and growing in just the way he should. But, with 68 days until my due date, I wanted a pain management plan in place for the birth. So, today I met with the anesthesiology team to discuss the possibility of an epidural and if not, what the plan will be for pain management.
I didn't really think they would be able to do an epidural but wanted to ask anyway, and no surprises when they said that an epidural isn't possible. For one, I don't have much of an epidural space anymore. And two, the little bit of space I do have is compromised by bone grafts and metal rods, screws and hardware. With all of the complexities of my spine, even if they could get an epidural in, there is no assurance that the medication would even go to the right spot. And there is the risk of them missing and then I would have the worst headache ever with no medication to help alleviate it. The doctors don't want to risk it and neither do I. So, the next question is what is our plan?
Guys, I'm not going to lie, I'm a bit scared. But I think we have a good plan and I feel okay with it. We will start out with I.V. pain medications and use an "ace in the hole" of a fast acting, and good pain medication for the end. Completely safe for me and baby and will help to keep me less stressed. I don't have the flexibility to my spine to push out a baby without a lot of help along the way. I feel better having met with the anesthesiology team. They know what to expect, they know my medical history, they know my physical capabilities we are prepared ahead of time. I won't be walking into delivery and throw them for a loop when they see my medical history. All in all, I have complete Faith that everything will go well and I know I am in good hands at the U. I feel blessed and to live in this day and age with all of the medical knowledge and know-how at our fingertips