Friday, March 29, 2013

What I want my daughter to know part 8: Virtue

Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies. (Proverbs 31:10)

I will prepare to enter the temple and remain pure and worthy.  My thoughts and actions will be based on high moral standards.

Virtues color is Gold, a precious metal that has long been known as a symbol of purity.  When gold is refined, it is pure.  If you are virtuous, you are strong and pure.  It is power and it is strength.  It is all derived by being pure.  Virtue is the power of a pure life.

Virtue is an Olympic Gold Skater.  She wears the Golden Young Women Medallion with the temple.  It is likened unto the Gold Medal the Olympic athletes work and train so hard to obtain.  For it is the best, the prize above all other prizes.  Olympic athletes have to train hard and work hard, they have to focus on their goal of reaching the Gold.  In order to reach the temple, you must remain virtuous.  The Young Womanhood Torch helps to light her way and remind her of the values that will help to keep her on the straight and narrow way. 

My Testimony of Virtue: Virtue is that glorious prize that is sacred and special and that should be saved for that one special man who is worthy to take you to the temple for time and all eternity.  Its not something to be flaunted about on street corners or in the schools or anyplace else for that matter.  Its not meant to be degraded and used and thrown out like yesterdays trash.  Its something to keep very close to you and very guarded until the day when you are sealed for time and all eternity to your eternal companion.  Dont throw away your virtue on some flashy fashionable fad that leaves very little to the imagination.  Dress modestly, follow the counsel that the prophet has set before you.  Be mindful of what image you are presenting.  Be proud of who you are.  You are a princess of the Most High God.  You are a daughter of a Heavenly Father who loves you.  Keep true to your covenants, remain virtuous, and hold fast to the iron rod.  You are priceless.