Wednesday, March 20, 2013


I promise that tomorrow's post will be all about how Nathan and I met, but I realized that I forgot to mention the other member of our family, Popcorn.  I love cats, I love everything about them.  I got Popcorn when she was a kitten, back then she was mostly white with a little bit of brown and so fluffy that she looked like a little ball of Popcorn, hence her name.  I'm not sure what breed of cat she is.  She resembles a Siamese but she also is cross eyed which is a trait of the Balinese cat.  She's a funny little thing.  I love this picture because she sits like this all the time, and it makes her look like she's a drunken bum.  She frequently will just flop on her back and sprawl herself out.  And watching her chase dust balls is hilarious.  She is my little shadow and follows me from room to room.  She's as bad as any child with the paws under the bathroom door.  She keeps me plenty company when all of the kids are off to school and the house is dead quiet.