Individual Worth
Remember the worth of
souls is great in the sight of God. (D&C 18:10)
I am of infinite worth
with my own divine mission, which I will strive to fulfill.
Individual Worth’s color
is Red which reminds us of the blood of Christ.
The Savior believed that there wasn’t any price too high to pay for
us. He loved us so much that He
willingly paid for us with his blood and His own life. He bled from every pore for us. He paid the infinite price. We are of great worth to the Lord and we
should be to ourselves as well.
I dressed her in a
snowsuit for winter because that is when snowflakes fall and as we all know,
there are no two snowflakes alike just as there are no two of us alike. We all have our own individuality and are all
of infinite worth to our Heavenly Father
My Testimony of
Individual Worth: You are an individual,
Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ know who you are, and they know you by
name. They know your sorrows, your
hurts, your joys, your laughter, your wants, and your needs. They hear and listen to your prayers. You alone are worth more than money can
buy. You are unique, and special. Take joy in that. I have a quote that I think cute and fits
quite well: God thinks you are
wonderful. If he had a wallet, your
photo would be in it. If he had a
fridge, your picture would be on it. He
sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning. Whenever you want to talk, He’ll listen. He can live anywhere in the Universe, and he
chose your heart. Face it friend, He’s
crazy about you.