Hello again, and welcome back!! I hope everyone is well rested and ready for today's adventure in September shenanigans. We begin our adventures with....
Martina and I were driving back to Bountiful from Vernon. As we approached Lake Point, we saw a huge fire on the mountain.
Girls night with Unicorn skin face masks. |
Nathan was in another play at the Off Broadway Theatre. They did a spoof on the musical, Hamilton, which they called, Hamleton. It was really funny. Nathan played the ghost of Hamlet's father.
He did a fabulous job!! |
There is nothing better than a lovely September afternoon at a home football game, unless that football game falls on your birthday, then it is even better!! (But only when you win, otherwise it's just sad.) I always love it when a home game falls on my birthday, and I love it even more when we win my birthday game.....
It's game day!! |
This is one of my favorite things. Walking up the ramp and out into the stadium with the mountains in the background. It brings me such joy!! |
Wearin' my Dabby the Unicorn shirt. |
I love it when they do stuff like this.... |
And this. |
Sorry everyone, I predicted the overtime at halftime. I have a very uncanny knack for doing that. |
I also love when the fans take to the field after a really good win!! |
Jacen turned 19!!
Meow-meow cracks me up!! As I recall, he was in the background, doing the same thing last month when Spider Monkey had his birthday. |
19!! I can't believe he's 19!! |
I turned 40 something. I don't remember how old I was turning. I try to not think about it. |
I don't ask questions |
Jaina and her boyfriend all dressed up for homecoming. |
Sugar Dust attempts to sing opera...... oh wait, just yawning. |
And sleeping |
They certainly do love to "help." |
Well, there you have it, September 2019 in a nutshell. Time to fast forward a year and see what September 2020 was all about.
So there I was, out in the front yard on a beautiful, hot summer September afternoon, minding my own business and happily weeding in my flower beds when......
There was a loud screeching of tires and a crunch of metal on metal. I screamed. See, Jaina had, only mere moments before, got into the car and drove away. My initial thought was that she had just got into an accident. So, faster than I am normally able to, I spun around. Thankfully Jaina was long gone. Unfortunately, our other white Avalon wasn't so lucky. And even more Thankfully, no one was in said Avalon. Some guy, who wasn't paying attention to where he was going, swerved and ran right into the back of our car!! Honestly, I believe if I hadn't been outside in the front yard to witness it all, I think he would have scarpered out of there as fast as he could have and left us with a hit and run. Nathan came outside to see what was going on. The guy really didn't want us to call the police. He had the "air" of one who had run-in's with the law before. He kept trying to get away as quickly as he could. But the first thing Nathan had done was to call the police. His car took the most damage, I was surprised the thing could even drive. He was trying to drive away as the police showed up. He gave them his "insurance" information but it ended up being bogus. We found out through the grapevine that the guy indeed had a record for drug dealing. And, unfortunately, since he gave us bogus insurance info, we had to foot the bill to fix the damage he did to our car!! GRRRRR!! |
We also had an EPIC windstorm!! A windstorm in which, there were a few snowflakes that fell!! That made me grumpy. How DARE there be ANY form of snow BEFORE my BIRTHDAY!!
I was so sad when this tree blew over, it provided such lovely shade. It took out a sizeable chunk of the fence. |
You can see it blowing over those trees. It took out all of them. |
We also lost a section of fencing in the back yard too. |
And some meme's that sum up the whole windstorm!!
Lion Heart was so proud of the Cowboy boots he bought. |
Meow-meow had a Lego Robotics class. It was pretty fun. |
And, thanks to Covid, we couldn't go to any of the home football games!!
This totally sums up how I felt about it all!! |
All I can say is that BYU was kick trash good and I needed something to do with my hands while I leisurely watched BYU trounce their opponent. |
Yeah, not my best hair do. |
Baby, the Sugar Glider was getting healthier and better by the day. Jacen also turned 20!! He's not even a teenager anymore!! |
He's such an adorable little cuddle butt. I had a birthday in there somewhere too. I have no idea how old I am now!! All I know is that I'm getting GRAY HAIRS!! |
He's so SOFT!! Like, I've never, in my life, ever felt anything as soft as these little guys. |
Puppy naps |
I'm getting the idea here that meme's were the theme to 2020. When there's no where to go and not much to do, you find hilarious memes.
That's it for today. Join me again tomorrow as we jump into October and the festivities it brings.