Thursday, February 4, 2021

Merry Christmas

 Good morning!!  Is everyone ready for December??  Are ya'll ready for Christmas?  I hope so.


I finished the Laundry Room!!  I am quite happy with how it turned out.  The only thing left to be done is to replace that door.

Firecracker turned 14!!  Well, technically she turned 14 at the end of November, but we had her party at the beginning of December.

Lion Heart got ahold of my phone and had some fun with Snapchat filters.  He may shoot me for posting these.....

Meow-meow got ahold of my phone as well.

These crazy kids went to the Winter's dance.

They thought it would be highly entertaining to pose as gansgsters.

Mafia boss.

Good looking crew.

We took a trip to Temple Square to see the lights.

The cats were cute, curious, and "helpful" as always.

My poor tree.

They had to "help" unwrap presents

And then play in the boxes.

We did our annual Christmas Nativity play.

I looked like such a goober.

We had plenty of Christmas shenanigans.  My little brother and family were in town for Christmas, so we had fun seeing them.

Meow-meow got a bike

My favorite little brother in the whole wide world!!

Jaina turned 17!!  

We have decided that fireworks must be a birthday tradition.

She did not want a birthday cake, she wanted a birthday Boysenberry piel

Such a helpful little Meow-meow

And lastly, memes I found funny.

And on that note, we end 2019.  It was a fun year for us, we had an excellent and wonderful family vacation, Covid wasn't a thing yet, and we kicked off what would turn into the big home repair.

So, what about December 2020?

I did not take nearly as many pictures.  That seems to have been my theme for 2020.  I will try to be better about that in 2021.

Sugar Dust decided that I needed "help" decorating for Christmas

I wish I could bend like that!!

Sleepy Baby.  He's getting to be quite the chonky boy.

All decorated!! It only took me like 3 days.

I had forgot to take a picture of the upstairs bathroom that I finished.  I never want to lay tile again, it was a pain.

I was quite pleased with how this turned out.

We made ginger bread houses

Jaina got creative with face painting.

Snuggly little babies.

We call her Tospaz. Topaz the spaz

Poor Jaina!!  At the beginning of December, she went up to Ogden to visit Faith and Martina.  While there, Faith came down positive with Covid........and then Jaina turned up positive with Covid.  So, she had to quarantine up in Ogden and wasn't able to be with us for Christmas.  Thankfully, we were able to screen time with her.

Christmas shenaningans.

Sleepy animals.

And last, but not least, JAINA TURNED 18!!!!!!! I still can't believe she's 18 now.  Where in the world did the time go?!?!?

So, there you have it, Covid really put a damper on things and the world went crazy.  But, life at the Davis house went on as normal as it could.  

And with that, we come to an end of my annual year in review blog posting.  It's both been fun and not fun doing two years at once.  It's been interesting to see the difference pre-Covid and during Covid.  However, I think I will just plan on keeping up on my yearly blogging and not miss a year.  I hope you all have enjoyed this trip down memory lane.  I shall be back in January 2022 where we will endeavor to uncover the secrets of 2021.  Until then, stay safe and have a good year!!