Wednesday, January 4, 2017

2016 year in review, post #2

Wow, the last two days totally got away from me and I didn't have time to do the second installment of my year in review.  So, without further ado.......

DRUM ROLL.............

October was the lucky winner for our next month in our year in review.  October was a fun month for the Davis crew.  It was a fun filled month full of Halloween parties, visiting friends, football, and Trafalga to name a few.......

I made rainbow glitter bustles for our Halloween costumes....

I went to a football game with my mom.  I wore a blue wig for epic-ness.  It was the Homecoming game and naturally, we won!!  It was a lot of fun.  Everyone loved my wig
Just before kick-off

I love when everyone turns on the flashlights on their cell phones.



Storming the field.
We took the Wolf Scouts on a trip to the Church History Museum.  They made epic creations.

Meow-meow played with my blue wig and was absolutely adorable.

Lion Heart and Firebolt had an orchestra concert.

We played in the corn at Trafalga

We took a trip out to the Loder's and had tons of fun.
Meow-meow found this and had the best time driving all over the place.

He even had fun on the 4-wheeler

Spaceman Spiff found Mara the cat to snuggle and love on

Spider Monkey loved riding this 4-wheeler

I took a turn on the 4-wheeler

Darth Juan, the Latin Lover.  Apparently I smelled good to him and he sprayed me.  It was highly entertaining and hilarious. 
Meow-meow is my laundry helper.

It was a very sad day, when the eye doctor said I needed glasses. My eyesight is only slightly off, but still....I've made it 43 years without needing glasses.  SIGH!!
My hubby said he needed a picture of me smiling

I was in a hurry to get out the door to get the kids from school and I didn't realize until I was at the school that I put on two different shoes.  I was on a roll that day apparently.
Mismatched socks are the new fashion trend, so why not mismatched shoes??  Anyone with me?
We had tons of Halloween fun. First there was the school Halloween parade at the elementary school.

We went to my grandma's care facility and did some trick-or-treating there.

We had a Halloween Party at grandma's house

Doesn't he look good??

Then we had a neighborhood Halloween Party
Fabulous Rainbow Unicorn

Martina, Jaina, and I dressed up as Rainbow Unicorns for Halloween, we were epic and left glitter everywhere we went.

I need to dress like a Unicorn more often.  I love the way I look in this picture.

Everyone else had a great Halloween

I've realized that I take as many pictures of the cats as I do everyone else and they are my furry I've decided I'm going to call this next segment, of cat antics.

Don't tell the other cats, but she's my favorite.

Napping buddies

AAWW, bath time

Without fail, every time I do laundry, the cats pile up in it and use it as a bed.

Having fun playing in the Halloween bag

It's hilarious when he lays like this

And there you have it, the happenings of the Davis clan in October 2016.  Come back tomorrow and find out which lucky month get's pulled out of the magic hat.