Monday, January 16, 2017

2016 year in review post #12

Well, here we are, the last 2016 year in review blog post.  January 2017 is half way over now and this makes me VERY happy.  I suppose we don't need a drum roll to introduce the last month, so without further ado, I give you....

I was even more lame with picture taking in February than I was in March.  I took a total of four pictures for the entire month of February and sadly, they were of the cats.  Not much happened in February 2016 other than the fact that I tried to hibernate and pretend that winter didn't exist.  So, sit back and enjoy the only four pictures to document February 2016's existence in the Davis clan.

Well, that's a wrap.  I hope you all enjoyed this glimpse into our family.  Come back in January 2018 and see what fun things happened in 2017.  I hope everyone has a wonderful year full of goodness, fun, and many blessings.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

2016 year in review post #11

We are down to the final two, so....

MARCH!!  Apparently I did not take many pictures in March so, we'll just roll with what I've got.

Firebolt and Meow-Meow fell asleep and were absolutely adorable

I had an arterial blood gas done which was extremely painful and left this lovely bruise

Firebolt had an orchestra concert

I got chocolates from Duai.

Meow-Meow fell asleep in his high chair.

And then there are the cats. And it seems that I didn't even take that many pictures of them, WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?!?!?!?  LOL

Helping us play Clue

With that, March came in like a lion and out like a lamb

Saturday, January 14, 2017

2016 year in review post #10

Yesterday totally got away from me, but that's okay, we'll just pick up today.  With only three months left to do, our next month up is.....

SEPTEMBER!!  We had a lot of fun in September.

Martina, Firebolt, and I went to Comic Con and got to meet William Shatner!!

They were grossed out because I was daring and held a tarantula.

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! We got to meet William Shatner!!

It was really weird, fuzzy and really light.

My glow in the dark dragon I named Mortimer (I got him at Comic Con)

Firebolt and Meow-Meow made cupcakes and it was extremely adorable.

Spider Monkey and Meow-Meow fell asleep like this....

I was creative and made some necklaces.

I saw some deer in my backyard.

I am one of the Wolf Cub Scout leaders and our weekly activity ended up being on my birthday. Well, while I was at scouts, my awesome friends came over and left me a FABULOUS birthday surprise. They all know how much I love sunshine and all things warm so they plastered my house in sunshine and all things hot. It was the best birthday surprise EVER!!

Spaceman Spiff turned 16!!  He and I went out to celebrate our birthdays.

We celebrated his birthday at home too.

Meow-Meow had to help blow out the candles.
My mom and I went to a football game.

And of course, we can't forget the cats.

Every single time I do laundry, they think that I did it just for them to have a bed to lay in.
And that's it for September 2016