Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Describe the perfect summer day. What would you do on that day?

Those of you who know me well know that I LIVE for summer.  Besides mosquito's there isn't a single thing about summer that I don't just love.  I love the searing heat, the smell that summer brings; the smell of fresh cut grass, and the smell of the baking grasses from the sun, the smell of the flowers, and the earthy smell of a rainstorm.  I love the bright happy sun blazing down on us, the green trees, and beautiful flowers.  I love the sounds that summer bring; the bee's buzzing, birds singing in the branches, sprinklers watering lawns, the engine of a lawn mower, and the sounds of happy children playing out in the sun.  I love to walk bare foot and feel the grass on my feet, or run my bare feet through the sand, and the feel of the hot pavement.  I love being able to wear shorts and t-shirts and not have to bundle up and bring coats, jackets, boots, and gloves everywhere I go.  I love the summer picnics, Fourth of July parade and fireworks.  I love to see people out at the parks.  I love the trips up the canyons and into the mountains for picnics, hikes, and camping trips.  I love the feel of a summer rainstorm and the flash and crash of a good summer thunder storm.

If I could have my perfect summer day, the temperatures would be in the high 90's.  It would be a bright day without a cloud in the sky.  The blue sky stretching on forever with the bright sun blazing down from above.  I would start out my day by being able to sleep in, not all morning long, but at least a bit longer than I get to when school is in.  It would be a pleasant and leisure morning waiting and biding my time for the day to warm up.  We would pack a lunch and something for dinner and get it all loaded up in the car, ready for our short trip up the road to Farmington......where Lagoon is.  We would play at Lagoon-a-beach for several hours and have lunch.   After lunch we would hit the rest of the park, riding as many of the rides as possible, only stopping for a quick dinner.  After dinner it would be back to the rides to ride as many as possible before the park closes.  At the close of the day and as the park closes and we head back to the car I would want to be as worn out and "happy go pukey" as I possibly could be.  A short car ride home to my waiting and inviting comfy bed.  That would be my perfect summer day.