Saturday, June 27, 2015

I liked rainbows before they were popular.

So the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 and made gay marriage legal in all 50 states.  Equal rights for all!!  Oh happy day!!  So wonderful!!  Everything is all rainbows, unicorns, fairies, and roses!!

This is how I'm supposed to be feeling, right?  This is what I'm supposed to say if I want to win friends and influence people, right?  This is what I should be spouting from all of my social media so that people don't hate me and stone me with their verbal stones, right?  If I think differently from this view then I'll be labeled as a bigot, a hater, as intolerant, as homophobic, un-Christlike, and not Christian, right?  Which side of the line am I on?  Which side of the line should I be on?  Do I want to be liked? Do I want people to think I'm awesome and cool?  Or, heaven forbid, do I want to say what I believe and be stoned and labeled as a hater?

I've tried to be very conscious about not spewing constant negativity or inflammatory things on my Facebook and blog because I'm a light, happy person and don't want scores of negativity.  But it's becoming more clear to me that I can't stay lukewarm, I've got to decide which side I am on.  I have to decide for myself and luckily I don't get to decide for you (and so people don't get offended, when I say "you" I am not speaking to anyone particular, I am speaking to, well, you, whoever you may be, to you the reader,....that is if anyone even reads this) My personal opinion, my rights, my liberties, my right to free speech, my right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and my right to worship God according to the dictates of my heart, those are my rights as a daughter of Heavenly Father.  Those are the very principles and values that are the very heart of our country.  That is what the revolutionary war was all about, right?  The right to govern ourselves? The right to make our own choices? To believe how or what we may?  Aren't those the things that men have laid their lives down for?

So, if you are going to read further than this point, I ask that you keep those things in mind.  You have your opinions that you have shared either for or against.  I just happen to be.....against.  Now I shall sit back and wait for the stones to be chucked my way.  But before you cast that first stone, I have a few things I'd like to say.  I do have the right to weigh my opinion in on the matter don't I?  You all say that you do, that should extend to me shouldn't it?  It is a human right isn't it?  There is a statement that I believe to be true and I love.  I try to live by this statement.  But I have witnessed far too many hard hearts that it truly saddens me to think that most people can't, don't or won't take heed to this wise counsel.

"Our culture has accepted two huge lies.  The first is that if you disagree with someone's lifestyle, you must fear or hate them.  The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do.  Both are nonsense.  You don't have to compromise convictions to be compassionate." -Rick Warren.

It's just beautiful and true.  Am I the only one who believes that?  I hope I am not.  The true test of character and to truly pass that test of character lies in that paragraph above.  It seems the world has forgotten this one truth, YOU DON'T HAVE TO COMPROMISE CONVICTIONS TO BE COMPASSIONATE.  Guys, do you know what that means?  The implications?  The blessing that statement brings?  I don't have to agree with the supreme court ruling and it doesn't mean that I'm a horrible monster because I don't.  That, to me, is a huge relief, truly something to rejoice over.  It's something to shout from the roof tops.  It's something to share with the world.  Could you imagine what the world would be like if everyone could subscribe to that philosophy?  Sadly, the world seems to have subscribed to those two huge lies.  And because the world believes those lies, I have to draw the line in the sand and pick which side I am on.  And if my Facebook feed is any indication I'll be drawn, quartered, and stoned for my beliefs and convictions, I may *gasp* even lose friends.  I would hope not, I love all of my friends.  But before you cast your stones, please remember, these are my personal opinions on the matter and I am, or should, be granted the same right to express as you have.

Several things bother me about the decision.  First on the list is that the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT made the ruling.  The Federal Government should have limited rights and capacities.  It should be up to the individual states to decide.  That is what our forefathers had in mind. The Federal Government has no business sticking their hands into this.  It should be an individual state right to make.  Think about the implications of all of the things the Federal Government thinks they have a right to dictate, think about the freedoms we have lost because we have allowed the Federal Government to creep into the places the Constitution was set up to keep them out of.  And if that doesn't scare you, think about what more the Federal Government could do.  We celebrate this but what if the shoe was on the other foot and the Federal Government ruled that everyone has to attend at least one hour of church services during the week. The horror!! This, this here, it's just the beginning and I personally don't think that's something to shout for joy over!!  They say that this won't affect religions....sure, they say that now.  But it's only a matter of time.  It's only a matter of time before the flood gates open up.  Already we have 'transabled' people who disable their bodies because they "feel" disabled.  People who are white but claim to be black because they "feel" that way, the list goes on and on.  We celebrate this, we support it, we make laws to make it okay and if you feel differently about it, watch out for the lynch mob.  My friends, it's only a matter of time before the Federal Government decides to make laws to force churches into it.  It's already happening in England.  It's coming.  If you don't believe me, go take a gander at the scriptures, the end of days prophecies and modern day prophets. Oh it's coming, it will come, it will happen.  The only difference is what side of the line you decide to be on.

The second issue I have is that you just can't re-define marriage, nor should we.  However, I do believe that all humans have the right to be treated fairly.  A gay couple should have the right to health insurance with their partner.  A gay couple should have the right to buy a home together.  A gay couple should have the right to death benefits, etc. Those certainly and most definitely rights that gay people should have.  But call it what it is, a Civil Union.  Leave the definition of marriage alone.

The third issue I have is the notion of equality and non-discrimination.  An example: I have metal rods in my back and should I go and apply for a job that would require me to do heavy labor, I could and SHOULD be turned down.  That is not discrimination.  We discriminate every day, we have to.  When I'm looking for a doctor to go to, you bet I discriminate.  I want to go to a doctor that is someone who will fit with what I need.  If I have an event I want to have catered, I'm going to discriminate and pick someone who will give me what I want.  And yes I know the liberals out there hate this logic because they say it's just not the same, but it really is.  It's being shouted from the roof tops that finally there is equality for the gay people, but where's the equality for me?  We live in a day and age where if you don't cater a wedding, or bake a cake, or allow a gay couple to be married on your property that you could lose EVERYTHING!! You get called a hater, a bigot, intolerant, and many many other things.  Where is their equality?  Where are the people to protect their rights and freedoms?  My friends, this kind of thing is really happening.  And the one thing that I just can't figure out is why?  Why, if you are a gay couple would you even WANT to have a bakery make your cake if they don't believe in your lifestyle?  Why, when I'm sure there are literally DOZENS of bakeries that would be more than happy to help you and give you what you want! Why would you want to force them into doing something they don't want to do?  What do you gain by forcing them to comply with you?  You gain nothing but hate, intolerance, and bigotry.  You gain what, the pride of knowing you ruined someone's life all because they "discriminated" against you?  What, is the fact you didn't get your pastry somehow going to ruin the rest of your life?  And these people, they aren't saying that they refuse to serve gays.  They'll serve gays cupcakes and doughnuts, they just don't want to cater a wedding.  There's a huge difference there.  In my mind isn't your wedding day supposed to be the happiest day of your life?  If that's true, why would you want to make someone be there who doesn't want to? Wouldn't that kind of put a sour mood on what is supposed to be YOUR special day?  There were a couple of lesbians who were on Glenn Beck, I would support these ladies.  Why do you ask?  Simply because they get it!!  They understand!!  They run a T-Shirt shop and they wouldn't want to make T-Shirts for something they don't believe in and they are smart enough to realize that if they feel that way and if they have the right to turn away customers then so should Christian people.  It is the principal that this country was founded upon.  I really just can't understand why people don't understand this concept.  All is not lost though.  There is an answer, a simple solution really.  YOU DON'T HAVE TO COMPROMISE CONVICTIONS TO BE COMPASSIONATE. That goes for both sides of the debate.

The fourth thing that bothers me, well, not so much bothers me as it scares and terrifies me. Christian people are being targeted for not wanting to participate in something that goes against their beliefs. If you don't agree with the gay liberal agenda you are verbally stoned to death.  There is a clear war path being forged here and I can't seem to get Genesis 19 out of my head.

Chapter 19

Lot entertains holy men—The men of Sodom seek to abuse Lot’s guests and are smitten with blindness—Lot is sent out of Sodom—The Lord rains brimstone and fire upon Sodom and Gomorrah—Lot’s daughters preserve his seed in the land.
 And there came two angels to Sodom at even; and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom: and Lot seeing them rose up to meet them; and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground;
 And he said, Behold now, my lords, turn in, I pray you, into your servant’s house, and tarry all night, and wash your feet, and ye shall rise up early, and go on your ways. And they said, Nay; but we will abide in the street all night.
 And he pressed upon them greatly; and they turned in unto him, and entered into his house; and he made them a feast, and did bake unleavened bread, and they did eat.
 ¶But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter:
 And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them.
 And Lot went out at the door unto them, and shut the door after him,
 And said, I pray you, brethren, do not so wickedly.
 Behold now, I have two daughters which have not known man; let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do ye to them as is good in your eyes: only unto these men do nothing; for therefore came they under the shadow of my roof.
 And they said, Stand back. And they said again, This one fellow came in to sojourn, and he will needs be a judge: now will we deal worse with thee, than with them. And they pressed sore upon the man, even Lot, and came near to break the door.
 10 But the men put forth their hand, and pulled Lot into the house to them, and shut to the door.
 11 And they smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness, both small and great: so that they wearied themselves to find the door.
 12 ¶And the men said unto Lot, Hast thou here any besides? son in law, and thy sons, and thy daughters, and whatsoever thou hast in the city, bring them out of this place:
 13 For we will destroy this place, because the cry of them is waxen great before the face of the Lord; and the Lord hath sent us to destroy it.
 14 And Lot went out, and spake unto his sons in law, which married his daughters, and said, Up, get you out of this place; for the Lord will destroy this city. But he seemed as one that mocked unto his sons in law.
 15 ¶And when the morning arose, then the angels hastened Lot, saying, Arise, take thy wife, and thy two daughters, which are here; lest thou be consumed in the iniquity of the city.

The use of the term "to know" means have sex with. Just in case anyone didn't know that. Which means that the liberal agenda of Sodom and Gomorrah had become so twisted that the MEN came to Lot's house demanding that he send out the angels who were MEN so they could basically rape them.  Rape, meaning forcibly have sex with someone against their will.  Lot offered to give them his daughters and they refused.  That's the end game, when that happens in our country, you can kiss yourself goodbye.  Oh, it won't get that bad you say?  Isn't this basically what gay liberal agenda already trying to do?  They haven't come pounding on our doors yet demanding we send our sons out.  But already Christians fear losing their business, people fear speaking their opinion if it's against it.  It's only a matter of time before we spiral down that path. I hope we don't, I hope we wake up and change before we get that far, but from what I've seen.....I have very little hope we will change from that path.

The fifth thing that bothers me is why everyone thinks that what goes on in our bedroom is everyone's business.  Because lets face harsh facts here to be gay means you are physically attracted to someone of the same gender which means that.........well, sex.  Guys, I don't really want to know who or what you want to have sex with.  I don't care.  I don't see why we have to let the whole world know.  I don't even want to know what my parents do in their bedroom, yet I wouldn't be know..... shudder at the thought........which by the way is a normal, healthy, reaction......It's none of my business what happens in your bedroom and it's none of your business what happens in mine.  Your sexual orientation is none of anyone's business.  The only people you really need share with is close friends and family, not the whole world.  And even then, it's really between you, your partner, and God.  If two men want to have a CIVIL UNION, that's your choice.  But that decision really is a matter for them.  The other side of the issue I have is that the view that the gay society has given me is a picture of Sodom and Gomorrah.  The gay parades are all sexual and full of sex, and mostly naked people and sex and the shock value of men groping men and women groping women and more sex.  I've known several gay people with blogs and it's all focused on sex, who they've slept with and details about the encounter(s).  One gay blogger I had the misfortune of running across had nothing but pictures of men'"packages"....... I have yet to come across a gay person who isn't focused on that. Is this the picture you really want to give us heterosexual people, because if it is, well no wonder we are worried.  But yet that is the image that is rampant and yet you wonder why we have a hard time believing that you have normal healthy relationships?  Just saying.  Maybe instead of spewing hate and such, to get your way, you could try portraying yourself in a different way?  Don't ask don't tell, yeah, that was a good idea.  But, if you feel it necessary to share that with me, I will show you the decency and courtesy you deserve as a human being and child of God.  

This is a rainbow, it has nothing to do with your sexuality.
Here's a prime example.  Back when I worked doing data entry there was a lady who came onto the team.  Everyone liked her, she was nice, fun, easy going, and pleasant to be around.  I became friends with her.  She felt that she could confide in me and told me she was a lesbian.  I had very mixed feelings about the revelation.  On one hand I was honored that she felt she could trust me and on the other hand, I really didn't need to know nor did I care to know.  Naturally, I had other thoughts running through my head and pardon me but these, I think, are normal reactions for someone who is heterosexual.   I hoped she wasn't checking me out, I hoped she wasn't attracted to me, I hoped she wasn't going to ask me out because.....awkward!!  She saw the look on my face and assured me that she wasn't interested.  She decided to share her sexual orientation with everyone in the office.  Now I'd like to think I passed the test of character:  YOU DON'T HAVE TO COMPROMISE CONVICTIONS TO BE COMPASSIONATE. I treated her with the kindness and dignity she, as a human being and a daughter of God deserved.  However, that wasn't the case for everyone in the office.  She was mocked and teased.  I did not join myself in that as I did not believe it was the correct thing to do.  I did not compromise my convictions but at the same time I was compassionate. I was pretty much the only one.  I stood up for her, I tried the best I knew how to get the other people to stop tormenting her.  I was her friend.  She ended up quitting the job because of the torment and hate she received.  Had she been a bit more wise in her decisions who to trust, it would have been a different story. I do not agree with the Supreme Court but I will be compassionate.  That is, after all what Christ would do and am I not a disciple of Christ?  Am I not commanded to love my neighbor? I will not make fun, bully, belittle or tease a gay person.  I would stand up for any gay person if I see others treating them badly.  I will be a friend but I will not compromise my convictions.  But yet the world would see me as a bigot, intolerant, and hateful.  If that makes me a bigot, then so be it. But, let me say it again:

"Our culture has accepted two huge lies.  The first is that if you disagree with someone's lifestyle, you must fear or hate them.  The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do.  Both are nonsense.  You don't have to compromise convictions to be compassionate." -Rick Warren.

One last food for thought:  My friend shared a story with me today.  Her daughter works at the local swimming pool.  There is a gay lifeguard there.  The pool has a slide and as such, has safety rules.  You have to know how to swim in order to go down the slide and parents aren't allowed to be at the bottom of the slide to catch.  Makes sense to me.  However, I would think if you don't like those rules you should use your power of discrimination and attend a pool that fits what you are looking for.  On this particular day, there was a mother under the slide waiting to catch her child.  The gay lifeguard did not go up and talk to the child, he approached the edge of the pool to talk to the mother, as he should.  Luckily the supervising lifeguard was withing hearing range, so he not only saw, but heard what went on.  The gay lifeguard kindly, and politely told the mother she couldn't be there and asked her to move.  The mother didn't move.  The gay lifeguard got closer to the edge of the pool and again politely explained the pool rules and asked her to move from under the slide.  The mother did not comply.  Finally, on the third attempt, the mother finally complied and moved.  However, afterward, the mother went up to the supervising lifeguard and proceeded to tell him that they shouldn't hire gay people.  SHE turned into a gay issue and SHE tried to cause trouble for this lifeguard (who's sexual orientation in no way hindered his ability to save a life if need be).  The supervising lifeguard explained that he saw and heard the exchange and that she was in the wrong, not the lifeguard.  This woman then went up to my friends daughter and asked her to speak to a manager, however, the managers had left for the day. The woman ended up leaving in a huff saying she'd never come back.  Well......good riddance and don't let the door hit you where the sun doesn't shine on the way out!!  That, my friends is what a intolerant bigot is.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Davis Clan

I want to begin by saying that I believe in miracles.  I believe that prayers can and do get answered.  I believe that Heavenly Father is aware of each and every one of us and knows our needs.  I believe his hand is very much in our lives.  I don't just believe these things, I know it!!  I've seen it!!  I've lived it!!
Celebrate good times!!
You see, things for my three children have been pretty hard since June of 2012.  I love roller coasters but certainly not the emotional roller coaster that we were on.  It's a hard thing when someone who should have their best interests at heart doesn't, and when they can't protect them from someone who is toxic and harming them.

On March 9, 2015 me, Nathan, and my three children went before a judge and Nathan legally adopted them as his own.  It was a miracle.  The events that led up to this are unequivocal proof of that and I bear witness of it.  This is not the forum or place to go into detail; what has been written is sufficient and as the adoption is a joyous and grand occasion, it wouldn't do well to hash out the events leading up to it.
In the courtroom with the judge!!  It's official we're all Davis' now!!

To celebrate this momentous occasion, we thought it would be awesome as a family to go down to Davis Blvd. and have some family pictures taken. I broke out my painting skills and painted the D for Davis to be in all of our pictures.  Here's a fun game, can anyone guess the T-shirt color scheme?
We took this one in our house before heading down to Davis Blvd.

Being silly in the back yard.

My three kids are officially Davis' now!!

And, of course, it wouldn't be a momentous occasion without a grand party full of family, friends, and fun.  When we sat down to figure out a good date for the party, the only date that worked was April 18th.  To most of you this date might not have significance but it does for me and I think it was just another little blessing from heaven.  Three years ago my hero, my grandpa passed away on April 18th.  Deem loved kids and I know he was there at the party celebrating with us.  It was a very special day.

Fabulous decorations

The girls decorated the stage.

Blowing up balloons

Spider Monkey and his favorite person.

Up grandpa, up!!

Four generations.

The siblings...missing Sarah and Brent though.

Double photo bomb

Silly faces.

There IS sunshine in MY soul!!

AWWWW!! Cuteness overload.

Lets eat.

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S.H.M.L.Y. Faithy!!  :P

Highlight was having kids sing Families Can Be Together Forever.

Uncle Les making balloon animals.

Fabulous youth from the ward that came to celebrate!!

We played a game.  Nathan took all of our baby pictures and put them in a frame.  We had everyone try to guess who is who, can you?

Out takes from the Davis Blvd. pictures.

 Thank you everyone for your love, prayers, and support!!