Sunday, December 1, 2013

Spider Monkey and Firecracker get baptized

Yesterday was a double special day for our family.  We had two of our herd of wild yahoo's get baptized.
Spider Monkey and Firecracker.
They were both really excited for the day and were bouncing off the walls the whole time.  I am so proud of these two for their decision to be baptized.
Just look at that cute little face of excitement.

Spider Monkey and his mommy

Firecracker and her daddy

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Box Car Derby

The Cub Scouts in our ward do an annual box car derby.  The rules are simple, there are no rules.  Just get a box, decorate it how you want and come to have fun.  The families got to be the "pit crew".  They had the kids wear sunglasses as their windshields.  We had a spray bottle with water and paper towels that we would wash their sunglasses with.  They had water and cookies for fuel.  Then we had to take their shoes off and put them on again to "change tires".  It was a blast.  We had a lot of fun.  Both Lionheart and Spider Monkey are in scouts.  So it made it double the fun.

Lion Heart and Spider Monkey

Love the fingers sticking out of the holes.

Where is Spider Monkey?

All the Cub Scouts showing off their box cars.  So much fun.

And Spider Monkey being silly

Aren't they just so cute?

And here we have Spider Monkey the ballerina.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I'm officially the mother of a teenager. What am I going to do??

Believe it or not but this awesome young man is officially a teenager.  He turned 13 last week.  I can hardly believe I'm the mother of a teenager.  Space Man Spiff is such a handsome young man.  I keep telling him that he will have all the girls falling for him.  The other day he came home and proudly told me that a girl at school was checking him out.  No dating until you are 16 young man.

Space Man Spiff and I almost share birthdays.  He was born the day after my birthday.  It's fun to think about how thirteen years ago on my birthday I was having labor pains.  I sometimes wish he would have been born on my birthday because that would be fun.  But I'm glad that he has his own special day to himself and he and I can still be birthday buddies.
Space Man Spiff is my cat whisperer.  He has a way with cats, they love him and he loves them.
And just look at those beautiful blue eyes. 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Spider Monkey turned EIGHT!!!

My sweet little Spider Monkey turned eight years old yesterday.  It's been an amazing experience to be his mother.  I love how sweet this little guy is.  He's so loving and kind.  He's silly and playful.  He loves to climb trees, play in the mud, build Legos, his favorite toys are Transformers, and he loves to catch bugs.  Especially grasshoppers!!  And he names them all "buddy" because they are his buddies.
  It's still hard to believe that it's been eight years since this handsome little boy was born.  I can't begin to imagine what life would be like without him.  He brings so much life to our family.  Happy Birthday to my sweet little Spider Monkey

Sunday, July 21, 2013

I love being a Type 1

Have you ever wondered why people use the phrase, "It's Just My Nature" when they do something?  Have you ever noticed people who are just bubbly and animated, while some are calm, cool and collected, others are like a whirlwind, and then there are those who are just graceful?  Several years back I came across this wonderful book by a fantastic woman named Carol Tuttle, the book is called, "It's Just My Nature".  I would recommend this book to anyone and everyone.  I would also recommend checking out Carols Dressing Your Truth program.  It's been such a great thing for me.

To give a brief run down on what I'm talking about, Carol has identified four distinctive personality types: Type 1, The bright, animated woman.
Type 2, The subtle, soft woman.
Type 3, The rich, dynamic woman.
Type 4, The bold, striking woman.

We all have each of these four types in us but we all have one type that is our "Dominant" Energy and one type that is our "Secondary" Energy.  When I first read the book, I identified with both the Type 1 and Type 2 the most.  However, I thought that I was a 2/1.  I could see my dominant energy as a type 2.  I then signed up for the energy profiling course which you can find at

What came next was a huge surprise and shock.  I figured that my hunch would be confirmed and my dominant energy is Type 2 and my secondary energy a Type 1.  I was surprised when I was told my dominant energy is that of a TYPE 1!!  With a secondary Type 2.  I didn't want to believe it.  But as I listened to what they were telling me, the little light bulb started to turn on.  I still wasn't fully convinced by this point.  Until I went home and read my Patriarchal Blessing.  I've read it time and time again; but for as many times over the years that I have read it, I had never noticed one very important theme.  I'm a happy joyful person!!  That IS what a Type 1 is.  I sat in shocked silence for a moment letting it all sink in.  And then the witness of the truth came.  I decided to embrace my true Type 1 nature.  I signed up for Carols 'Dressing Your Truth' program.  Which you can find at

I learned about what colors, textures, fabrics, and make up that support my dominant Type 1 energy.  I began to make the changes and EVERYONE noticed.  I felt great, happy, and confident.  I felt alive and wonderful.  It's very easy sometimes to let my secondary Type 2 take over.  And I've come to notice when that happens.  Lately, I have been falling into "Type 2" mode.  I haven't felt like my usual radiant self.  As you can see in this picture.
I'm wearing the bright happy colors of a Type 1, but my hair does not support my dominant energy.  It's flat and lifeless.  No bounce and zip, no pop and sparkle.  It's been driving me crazy lately.  I did some looking around and asking other Type 1's for advice.  I made a plan and went down to get a new look.
What a difference!!  What does this picture say:  Adventuresome, airy, amusing, animated, beaming, bouncy, bright, buoyant, carefree, charismatic, cheerful, creative, curious, cute, delightful, easy going, effervescent, energetic, festive, flirtatious, friendly, fun-loving, joyous, light, light-hearted, lively, lovable, merry, mischievous, optimistic, outgoing, playful, positive, princess-like, random, refreshing, sassy, sense of being alive, shining, sweet, upward, warm, and youthful.  Those are all words that come from Carol's book describing a Type 1 and they are all words that could be used to describe the woman in this picture, ME!!
This is one of my favorite Type 1 outfits
And would you believe I had a baby merely six weeks ago?!?!  Dang Girl!!  Those are my pre-pregnancy clothes.  I love my skinny genes!!

I've always loved red hair, how could I not since I come from a family of red heads.  My COOL dad is a red head, my HERO grandpa was a red head, I have a FANTASTIC aunt that's a red head, and an AWESOME cousin who is a red head.  I have the red genes in me.  I have the complexion of a red head.  When I first started dying my hair nearly 21 years ago, I tried other colors.  Funny enough, no matter what color I tried, it came out red.  I liked it and so I've always just dyed my hair red, and I also used to have my hair long enough to sit on.  After finding my Type 1 nature, I cut my hair short.  I need to remember, long is not good on me.  After finding Dressing Your Truth, I've had this desire to go blonde.  I've been a bit reluctant.  I've skirted around it by doing Strawberry Blondes, but not going just plain blonde.  Well, the wild hair bit me and I said, "What the heck, let's do it!!"  I went for a Platinum blonde.  You can't see it very well in this picture, but guess what color my hair went??  You got it, I've got these awesome Strawberry Blonde streaks.  The hairdresser said she could try and fix it, but I said no.  I LOVE the random red streaks in my hair.  People would pay good money for what came out naturally.  Lets face it guys, my red genes are AWESOME!!  I know because my little red headed feller was born with a full head of red hair.  
Not only do I have the AWESOME red genes in me, but you see those waves and curls??  Yup those are all natural too.  When my hair gets too long, they disappear.  Cut my hair short, and POP!!!  Instant waves and curls, so Type 1.  I think I have finally found the right hair cut that completely supports my Type 1 nature.  Watch out world, here I come!!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Spider Monkey and Lion Heart

Spider Monkey and Lion Heart have been having a grand time playing together this summer.  They have done some of the silliest things.  And of course like a good mommy, I took that later in life can be used to show girlfriends :P

Lion Heart being true to his silly nature
Even Space Man Spiff caught the silly bug
Spider Monkey decided he needed a mustache, so he drew one on his face.

Not to be outdone, Lion Heart had to have a mustache too.
Spider Monkey 

And Lion Heart.  Such silly boys.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day Dad

This is one of my favorite pictures.  Spider Monkey and Tiger Lily do love their grandpa.  Grandpa also happens to be Spider Monkey's favorite person in the whole world.  Mommy is a close second in that race.  It's all good, I love how Spider Monkey loves his grandpa.  It reminds me of how much I loved my grandpa.

My dad is a master story teller, he can spin a yarn like no other.  He gets that trait from my grandpa who also could spin a yarn.  Funny thing is that the stories my dad tells are all true, his Navy submarine stories are my favorites.  I've heard them all my life, I know them all by heart and yet I can always listen to them over and over again.  And when my dad gets telling his stories, I always have requests for my favorite ones.

My dad is a very hard worker.  If something needs fixed, he fixes it.  I can remember growing up when my dad served in the bishopric and was president of the water company.  He could get phone calls at 2 am and would get out of bed to go help whoever was in need of help.  My dad has always been there for me whenever I have needed help.  He's always been willing to come over and help fix things that needed fixed.

We raised chickens, pigs, turkeys, and ducks growing up.  My dad always raised several turkeys for the annual ward Thanksgiving widow dinner.  My dad worked up a deal with people in the neighborhood to raise a pig for anyone who wanted one.  They would help pay for the feed and upkeep of the pig and help round them up to be sent off to the butcher.

My dad is quite skilled at four wheeling and on weekends we would head up the mountains in our Blazer for some good old fashioned four wheeling fun.  We would go visit old mines that were only accessible by four wheel.

I love my dad for his hard work and great example in my life.  Happy Father's Day

Monday, June 10, 2013

You're a Grand Old Flag

I had the opportunity last night to watch a flag retirement ceremony.  I am still in awe and reverence over the experience.  I love the flag and everything she stands for.  The leader of the meeting likened the ceremony of burning the flag to retire it as a funeral for the flag and we should treat this ceremony as if we were at the funeral of a loved one.  It really set the mood for the meeting and brought to mind just how important and special our flag is.

I have seen on t.v. images of people in the streets burning the American Flag out of disrespect and evil.  To watch my flag be disgraced in such a way makes my blood boil and stabs me at the heart.  When a flag has become so old and worn that it no longer can fulfill it's purpose of  flying in the wind for all to see the symbol of freedom she represents, it is time to retire the flag.  A very special and sacred ceremony is held wherein the flag is burned.  It is done with honor and dignity. I watched as the flag was reverently, sacredly, and gently placed in the flames.  There was a man standing off to the side playing Taps on the bagpipe.  The audience stood with our hands held over our hearts.  I could not hold back the tears.  Tears of respect and love for my country.  When the bagpipes ended, the Spirit of God could be felt so strongly and profoundly.  Speaking so clearly to our hearts how important this symbol of freedom is.

From the chorus of You're A Grand Old Flag.
You're a grand old flag,
You're a high flying flag
And forever in peace may you wave.
You're the emblem of
The land I love.
The home of the free and the brave.
Ev'ry heart beats true
'neath the Red, White and Blue,
Where there's never a boast or brag.
But should auld acquaintance be forgot,
Keep your eye on the grand old flag.
Every fourth of July at my grandparents house in the mountains, we would hold our own special flag raising ceremony to start of our Fourth of July celebrations.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Baby Shower

My husband's aunt, and I guess technically my aunt, is one of the most generous people I have ever met.  And boy can she throw a party!!  She has such talent for parties.  She offered to throw me a baby shower.  So a couple of weekends ago we had a great time.  Thank you Lynette for the party and all of the fun.
Our hostess. (she's the one in the red and white)

I do believe I am now ready for this baby.   I have clothes and all the things I will need.  Had a great time with friends and family who came to celebrate with us.  Since I'm having a little boy, I thought we needed a little flair in the dessert department.  Thanks to Pinterest I ran across this fun 'Sand' pudding.  It tastes fantastic and looks just like sand.  And what little boy doesn't like to play in the sand?  You can find the recipe on my Pinterest page under my Desserts and Sweets board.  Easy to make and so yummy.
Sand Pudding
We also had an excellent selection of other desserts.  A to die for Eclair cake that my mother-in-law makes and this really yummy strawberry dessert that she made.  What I loved about it is how the Strawberries looked like little hearts.
Strawberry hearts
Back in April I made a blog post in tribute to my grandpa.  I loved and adored my grandpa, he was my hero.  Not only was my grandpa the best grandpa a girl could have, he also happened to be VERY talented when it came to crochet.  He made baby afghans for each of his grandchildren.  He then went further and made baby afghans for each of his great-grandchildren.  As he got older and the dementia took hold, he could no longer make the afghans.  However, in the last years that he was able to make the afghans, he made a huge stock pile to be given out.  Deem has passed on now and the baby afghans have all been given away..... except for one.  The very last baby afghan that my grandpa made and it happens to be for a boy.  I cried, I just cried my eyes out.  Heck, I'm crying now just thinking about it.  
My first look at the afghan

I could not contain the tears and emotions.  This afghan is very special.

Such beautiful and delicate work
I have to say I love a good party and had such a great time.  The theme was Mother Goose nursery rhymes. I only thought I knew my nursery rhymes well.  We played this really fun matching game.  The prize for guessing right was a candy bar.  For instance one of the matches was water breaking and the candy to go with it was "Gushers".  We ate one of my favorite salads, BBQ chicken, had excellent desserts, and the decorations were just lovely.  
Cute little dinosaur

Isn't that just the cutest little tie you have ever seen?

He's going to be spoiled rotten with having six siblings to dote on him.

Got to be dressed properly

These were the beautiful flower center pieces.  

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day

My Grandpa Weidenheimer
Yesterday we celebrated Memorial Day.  I would have been happier if the temperatures would have been about 10 degrees warmer, but it still turned out to be a beautiful day.  We went and saw quite a few graves and made a huge day of it.  We had a couple of picnics and had a great time.  I'm completely wiped out today, but it was worth it.
Going to share some of the pictures of the graves we visited.
Frog for my Grandpa Deem