Have you ever wondered why people use the phrase, "It's Just My Nature" when they do something? Have you ever noticed people who are just bubbly and animated, while some are calm, cool and collected, others are like a whirlwind, and then there are those who are just graceful? Several years back I came across this wonderful book by a fantastic woman named Carol Tuttle, the book is called, "It's Just My Nature". I would recommend this book to anyone and everyone. I would also recommend checking out Carols Dressing Your Truth program. It's been such a great thing for me.
To give a brief run down on what I'm talking about, Carol has identified four distinctive personality types: Type 1, The bright, animated woman.
Type 2, The subtle, soft woman.
Type 3, The rich, dynamic woman.
Type 4, The bold, striking woman.
We all have each of these four types in us but we all have one type that is our "Dominant" Energy and one type that is our "Secondary" Energy. When I first read the book, I identified with both the Type 1 and Type 2 the most. However, I thought that I was a 2/1. I could see my dominant energy as a type 2. I then signed up for the energy profiling course which you can find at
What came next was a huge surprise and shock. I figured that my hunch would be confirmed and my dominant energy is Type 2 and my secondary energy a Type 1. I was surprised when I was told my dominant energy is that of a TYPE 1!! With a secondary Type 2. I didn't want to believe it. But as I listened to what they were telling me, the little light bulb started to turn on. I still wasn't fully convinced by this point. Until I went home and read my Patriarchal Blessing. I've read it time and time again; but for as many times over the years that I have read it, I had never noticed one very important theme. I'm a happy joyful person!! That IS what a Type 1 is. I sat in shocked silence for a moment letting it all sink in. And then the witness of the truth came. I decided to embrace my true Type 1 nature. I signed up for Carols 'Dressing Your Truth' program. Which you can find at
I learned about what colors, textures, fabrics, and make up that support my dominant Type 1 energy. I began to make the changes and EVERYONE noticed. I felt great, happy, and confident. I felt alive and wonderful. It's very easy sometimes to let my secondary Type 2 take over. And I've come to notice when that happens. Lately, I have been falling into "Type 2" mode. I haven't felt like my usual radiant self. As you can see in this picture.
I'm wearing the bright happy colors of a Type 1, but my hair does not support my dominant energy. It's flat and lifeless. No bounce and zip, no pop and sparkle. It's been driving me crazy lately. I did some looking around and asking other Type 1's for advice. I made a plan and went down to get a new look.
What a difference!! What does this picture say: Adventuresome, airy, amusing, animated, beaming, bouncy, bright, buoyant, carefree, charismatic, cheerful, creative, curious, cute, delightful, easy going, effervescent, energetic, festive, flirtatious, friendly, fun-loving, joyous, light, light-hearted, lively, lovable, merry, mischievous, optimistic, outgoing, playful, positive, princess-like, random, refreshing, sassy, sense of being alive, shining, sweet, upward, warm, and youthful. Those are all words that come from Carol's book describing a Type 1 and they are all words that could be used to describe the woman in this picture, ME!!
This is one of my favorite Type 1 outfits |
And would you believe I had a baby merely six weeks ago?!?! Dang Girl!! Those are my pre-pregnancy clothes. I love my skinny genes!!

I've always loved red hair, how could I not since I come from a family of red heads. My COOL dad is a red head, my HERO grandpa was a red head, I have a FANTASTIC aunt that's a red head, and an AWESOME cousin who is a red head. I have the red genes in me. I have the complexion of a red head. When I first started dying my hair nearly 21 years ago, I tried other colors. Funny enough, no matter what color I tried, it came out red. I liked it and so I've always just dyed my hair red, and I also used to have my hair long enough to sit on. After finding my Type 1 nature, I cut my hair short. I need to remember, long is not good on me. After finding Dressing Your Truth, I've had this desire to go blonde. I've been a bit reluctant. I've skirted around it by doing Strawberry Blondes, but not going just plain blonde. Well, the wild hair bit me and I said, "What the heck, let's do it!!" I went for a Platinum blonde. You can't see it very well in this picture, but guess what color my hair went?? You got it, I've got these awesome Strawberry Blonde streaks. The hairdresser said she could try and fix it, but I said no. I LOVE the random red streaks in my hair. People would pay good money for what came out naturally. Lets face it guys, my red genes are AWESOME!! I know because my little red headed feller was born with a full head of red hair.

Not only do I have the AWESOME red genes in me, but you see those waves and curls?? Yup those are all natural too. When my hair gets too long, they disappear. Cut my hair short, and POP!!! Instant waves and curls, so Type 1. I think I have finally found the right hair cut that completely supports my Type 1 nature. Watch out world, here I come!!